November 27, 2016

Fwd: Thanksgiving in Bangkok

Begin forwarded message:

From: Colby John Decker <>
Date: November 27, 2016 at 3:07:37 PM PST
To: Robin Decker <>
Subject: Thanksgiving in Bangkok

Hello Everyone! This week has been a good week. For Thanksgiving we had AKA's. It's this buffet place where you have a grill in the middle and you cook your own meat on it. It was so good I never had that much meat in my life. Didn't have pumpkin pie though which was really sad but an Elder in my district got pumpkin pie from a family and gave me some. At the end they have a lime shot so you don't get sick and it kills all the bacteria I think haha. But it didn't really work. Then we taught lessons the whole day. 

Monday we went Ice Skating at Future Park. It was really cool haha. I'm not good at Ice Skating but the Thai people aren't either. It's in this huge mall. It was fun though and they have this Christmas tree up but no one here knows what Christmas is really. 

English Class is going well. I'm still teaching basics. I'm seeing some of the people I contact there so it's really cool. There was this one guy there named Oh who is 21 and wants to learn English so he can go to U.S. to sight see. He said he was interested to learn about Christ because we have a 10 minute Spiritual thought on the Savior that's supposed to be extra English at the end of it that I did this time. But he said that he wasn't free like most people here say. Oh well. I'll keep trying. He's really cool.

We are having a lot of new investigators just not show up. I guess it's a thing here. Idk. We went to this new investigators house and he told me to speak to him in English cause he understands it a little, so I just bore my testimony in English. It was really weird but cool. It's weird teaching in English, which reminds me. We taught Tea the other day who's a Cambodian who speaks English and Cambodian and a little Thai so we had to teach him in English. It was weird. I forgot the first vision in English until I had to give it. It was such a cool experience cause the Lord was helping me out. Tea's a Christian which is different for me and he carries the Bible around with him everywhere he goes. His parents aren't and he says it's hard being the only Christian in his family. He has such a good heart and we gave him a Baptismal date for Christmas Eve. 

There was another baptism Sunday for another companionship. Her name was Sister Sea. They found her at a College campus and she's pretty cool. We filled up the font the night before but the day of the baptism all the water was gone and it was completely dry. It was so weird but it got filled up on time and everything worked out.

This week I've been reading in Mathew and in Mathew 3 it talks about Jesus Christ's baptism. And in it John asks why he's baptizing Jesus, Jesus should be baptizing him. And in verse 15 it says "And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him." Jesus is the perfect example of Obedience. Everything he does is for God. He got baptized even though he was perfect and had never sinned in his life. He teaches people by example. Everyone needs to be baptized like Christ was baptized. I'm here to be God's instrument in teaching his children the Gospel and I've really received a lot of help and done stuff I never could have done by myself. This is a marvelous work and I'm so happy to be on the front lines teaching Repentance to His children. I love you all and miss everyone! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!   

Elder Decker
เอ็ลเดอร์ เดคเคอร์
Thailand Bangkok Mission

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