November 7, 2016

1st Birthday in Thailand

Hello everybody. My week has been so cool. I forgot it was my birthday haha. I woke up and my companion was like happy b day and I was like oh yeah. Than I had the primary program which went well I think I don't know I could't understand what they said to me haha. Than at dinner with these members I remembered all of a sudden and was like oh yeah it's my birthday haha. They sang happy birthday in English and they didn't know the words but it was so cool. I love contacting. Talking to people in the streets is so cool. They get so scared of you it's so funny. They're surprised a westerner can speak Thai sort of. 

We played soccer with a bunch of members last P-Day who played college and semi pro ball. I scored a goal and got a couple assists but you know no big. They were pretty good one of them just got baptized and he's the homie. 

The Thai is coming but so slowly. I had a switch off with another Greenie  named Elder Oaks and he was so good at Thai but he was from the group before me. We went and taught this investigator who is ritually married but not legally married because he is Cambodian and his wife is too. So he can't get baptized but he says his wife is leaving to Cambodia so he might be able to haha. Than I had another switch off with the Zone leader named Elder Hunt and he's so cool. He's half Thai and is so happy all the time. He says hi to everybody in English and Thai. Idk why he switched off with me- I must have a label because I'm from Vegas. But it was so cool. So cool week.

Something else that was cool that happened this week is there's this Less Active who we keep on trying to meet with and kept on bailing or when we got close to his house not pick up his phone. His name is brother balm I think is how you say it in English . But yesterday he came to the church and after sacrament he told us he had a dream that the church was locked and he asked the Elders how to get in and they told him to repent. It was pretty sick. I love it here. 

My testimony of the Gospel is growing stronger every week. You see God's hand so much in life but we don't stop to see it. I took the Gospel for granted before my mission and the truths I knew. Seeing people here light up when they hear the Gospel is so cool and all the sacrifices people make for the church. A refugee member from Cambodia who sells ice cream brought his little cart to Church to give the primary kids Ice Cream and the Elders. We helped him bring the cart back to his house and he lived in this little tiny apartment. They don't have much but they are so happy. I'm blessed to be in such a sick mission with so much adversity and trials. This Gospel brings people happiness. The Plan of Salvation brings people happiness and I can testify I've seen it change people's lives and made them so happy. I love you all and miss y'all!​​

Elder Decker
เอ็ลเดอร์ เดคเคอร์
Thailand Bangkok Mission​​

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