November 7, 2016

Week 2 at the MTC

Sawadii Khap! The days are starting to blend together. I can't tell the days apart anymore.  It feels like I've been serving for two years but also feels like I just wrote to you guys yesterday. I'm sorry to hear you guys are at the beach. You must be having such a hard time. I'm about to have a stomach of steel by the end of the MTC. We got taco bell which was pretty good. Thanks for the donuts too I gave one to my teacher/investigator and the other missionaries on my floor. 

My companion is from Portland, Oregon and played college ball at SVU for a year. He's really chill and cool and seems like he doesn't get annoyed with me. We went to the temple last Tuesday and it was really cool because it was filled with a bunch of missionaries. There is 8 people in my district. All Elders. My companion and I got called as sacrament coordinators. It's a pretty big deal. We tell people to pass and stuff. Neil L. Anderson gave a talk the other day but we had to go to the overflow because it was packed which was disappointing. He gave a talk about keeping the flame inside you after the MTC. It was pretty good. I found out that the guy in 17 miracles, Levi Savage the main character, served a mission in Thailand. 

Sundays are pretty long but I like it because we don't learn language in it. You have to write a talk every week because the District President randomely calls people to talk after sacrament. I'm starting to get better at the language i guess. It's still hard to understand and say the tones right but it'll come. The phii thais are leaving or the older thais are leaving Sunday so we'll be the older group than.

My teachers are pretty cool. It turns out the fake investigator we were teaching is actually gonna be our teacher. I was hoping we'd never see him again because we messed up the baptism part haha. His name is Brother Omer and he's pretty cool he laughs at my jokes so i like him. Our other teacher is Brother Yuen and he's a hawaiian and he's also pretty cool. They talk mostly in Thai. We're gonna start teaching two lessons a day so I'm super excited. Learning this language is really cool because I'm learning more about the simple truths of the Gospel. I can't wait to leave to Thailand. 

Thanks for all the prayers. Miss y'all. 

Elduuh Decker

Elder Cody Aguiar from our stake (Phillipines)​
My Samoan homie that wears guava guavas​
The full body shot you wanted​
The District​
Funniest Person here​

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