July 29, 2018

2 Years

This Friday I'll be hitting my 2 year mark since I entered the MTC. Crazy how time flies. I'll be serving OT so I'll be back in another week. I think they did that because I needed the extra 7 days to make sure I don't come back the same.

I messed up pretty bad playing the piano this week. I was struggling playing it with both hands so I played it with one hand, struggled with that so I played the top note, and struggled with that so I played with no hands.

This week, a member we've found out about that's from Texas who we've been trying to meet with and contact for awhile stayed a night in the hotel and went to church with his wife. He's so cool. He wants us to teach his wife the lessons. They live in Chum Phae which is like an hour and a half away so we're visiting them Thursday. Texas is so cool.

It's been raining for the past 3 months nonstop. I'm surprised there's not more flooding here. But they need some prayers in Laos which is having some bad floods right now..

The family we're teaching didn't come to church on time so they'll be baptized after I leave which is sad because I wanted to see them get baptized but I'm still pumped for them because they're so awesome. Families are central to God's plan. จริงๆ

Yesterday, we brought an old branch president the sacrament, and while we were there the Jehovah's Witnesses stopped by. Good Times.

We went to Sizzler's and talked to a guy that was from Australia who got a Thai Book for missionaries from someone a couple years ago. I'm giving him my books because I don't use them anymore but he believes God is in everything which isn't too far from the truth. We are meeting with him this week which is cool. Teaching a lot of white people. Miracles at Sizzler's.

Anyways this will most likely be my last email unless I feel like it next Wednesday, but who knows. If it is, then thank you all for reading my emails, but if it's not I'm sorry you'll have another one in your inbox next week.

Anyways, anyways, I'll share this one scripture because I like scriptures. Scripture power.

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."

-Ether 12:27

I definitely have a testimony of this on my mission. I've seen so much of my weaknesses and have seen my weaknesses become stronger through humility, and faith in Jesus Christ.

I love you all and will see y'all next week!

Pics: Pictures of temples, no msg added, Brother Ta or Tim Tam Slam, An Arch by Central

เอ็ลเดอร์ เดกเกอร์
Elder Decker
Thailand Bangkok Mission

More Pics 2 Years

More pics of stuff

Elder Decker
เอ็ลเดอร์ เดกเกอร์
Thailand Bangkok Mission

July 24, 2018


Hello everyone! This past week was interesting. I got sick on Tuesday with a fever so I was out. Wednesday, I planted rice. Let me tell you it's not easy. Your whole body hurts after. It makes you appreciate rice a lot more. And it was raining pretty hard. Respect to all the rice farmers out there.
Anyways, I had to take another chicken's life the other day. For some reason they think I know how to do that stuff. Vegas didn't teach me that stuff. The family that we are teaching right now, has referred us to another family. It's so cool! The oldest grandson is a baller. He's better than me at basketball.
We had Zone Conference Monday which is why I'm emailing today. It was my last one and my first one with President Hammond. It was really good! They had me bear my testimony because I'm dying soon. I also had possibly my last interview of my mission with President Hammond. I really like him. He's way enthusiastic and way nice.
Then, I went on my last switch off with the ZL's. I went to my area with Elder Allen. He can play piano well. I also got stung a couple times by bees. Those nasty things.
So for this week, I want to talk about something President Hammond talked about in Zone Conference. He said he talked with an RM, and the RM told him that he knew the church was true, Book of mormon was true, Joseph Smith was a prophet, but he didn't know where Jesus Christ fits in his life. It was very interesting to ponder that question. It made me reflect on where he fit in my life. It's a question we all should reflect on.
It's crazy how quick time is flying. I miss you all! See you soon!

Pics: cow, where we planted rice, the kids we're teaching, and another rice field #Thailand, and Fanta, and then Last Zone Conference

July 16, 2018

Miracles in the Isan

Hi. A miracle filled week. The kids that were stuck in the cave were rescued. So cool! A lot of people were talking about it and it was discussed in church. 

We went to a market last p day but it was just cheap american clothes so it was a disappointment.

Had another Family Home Evening which was fun. Families are so cool. Especially Eternal Families. 

We went to Bangkok for my child's work permit. So much fun. Love bus rides. I love Bangkok. It's my home.  

Thursday, after visiting with a member, we were close to another member's house and I felt prompted to visit him so we went there and caught him just before he was going to leave his house. He was in the hospital for a month and no one knew. So we gave him a priesthood blessing. He was the old Branch President from way back and he's been really sick lately. He has a way strong testimony in Jesus Christ. It's so cool to see that. 

We got blessed again and we had the chance to meet with a member's son who we've been trying to meet with for a long time. He's been an investigator for a long time and isn't really free because he's gone a lot for work. He said he'd go to church Sunday and he wants to be baptized! So cool!

Saturday, we went out with the District President of Udorn and visited more members houses and did some ministering. It was way cool. He was a missionary here in Thailand back in the day. There was a ministering fireside at the end of the day too! Ministering was so inspired. Love it!

Sunday was way cool. 58 people at church. Also, there was 10 investigators at church too! It was the Branch Conference, and we met with a family that a member in the ward wanted us to teach. They're so cool! They've been searching for us for a long time. Then the member asked them to come to church, and then they met with us. So cool! They all want to be baptized also! So many Miracles!

I don't know if I have shared this before, I've done this for almost 2 years now, but I really like D&C 98:2-3

2 Waiting patiently on the Lord, for your prayers have entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth, and are recorded with this seal and testament—the Lord hath sworn and decreed that they shall be granted.
3 Therefore, he giveth this promise unto you, with an immutable covenant that they shall be fulfilled; and all things wherewith you have been afflicted shall work together for your good, and to my name's glory, saith the Lord.

I just think it's way cool. He records our prayer and seals it and will grant it to us. Just a lot of cool principles rolled into a couple of verses. Our afflictions are for our good. God hears every prayer and will grant them to us. I just love it! Still so happy to be a missionary here in Thailand, in the Best Mission in the world. I love you all and miss everyone! See you all soon!

Pics: graffiti, BANGKOK, and the best curry and food in this part of town.

Elder Decker
เอ็ลเดอร์ เดกเกอร์
Thailand Bangkok Mission

July 8, 2018



วัสดีๆ This week has been goose. We got to meet the new mission President. His name is President Hammond. He's from Idaho. He was a Institute teacher and knows the scriptures so well. His family is cool. The Spirit testified to me that he was called by God to be the next Mission President here in Thailand. I'm sad I only get to serve with him for one transfer. 

Monday, we went to a place with big rocks. It's on a mountain. Very cool. 

We taught the guy with the restaurant and he's way cool. 

I'm still alive and kicking.

At my month mark now. 31 days. So weird. ไม่เอา

This week I want to share a little thought. It's from General Conference, April 1978 by President Thomas S. Monson. It's called The Prayer of Faith. There's a little part I like in it. It says:

In that same park is a large statue of George Washington, the father of the United States and its first president. As I observed the statue, my thoughts returned to another historic place where prayer played a vital role—even Valley Forge. It was at Valley Forge that this same Washington led his badly battered, ill-fed, and scantily clad troops to winter quarters.
Today, in a quiet grove at Valley Forge, there is an heroic-sized monument to Washington. He is depicted not astride a charging horse nor overlooking a battlefield of glory, but kneeling in humble prayer, calling upon the God of Heaven for divine help. To gaze upon the statue prompts the mind to remember the oft-heard expression, "A man never stands taller than when upon his knees."
Men and women of integrity, character, and purpose have ever recognized a power higher than themselves and have sought through prayer to be guided by that power. Such has it ever been. So shall it ever be.

I love the quote "A man never stands taller than when upon his knees." It's so true. The power of prayer is true. God cares for us. He loves us. We just need to humble ourselves and get on our knees and pray. Pray always. I recomend to read the talk. It's good. I miss y'all. สันติออก

Elder Decker
เอ็ลเดอร์ เดกเกอร์
Thailand Bangkok Mission

July 2, 2018

Water buffalo riding pday pics


My Final Child

Hi again.
I got a new child. His name is Elder Rogers. He's from Springville, Utah. He likes to play chess. He is my last child and last companion. It's going to be a good transfer! I don't really know what else to say in this email. It's only been a couple days and it's been filled with traveling to and from Bangkok. It rained the hardest I've ever experienced while we were biking back from a member's house. The work is good. I'm still kicking. I'm still happy to be a missionary. Love you all! Peace and Blessings!

1 Nephi 20:10 For, behold, I have refined thee, I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.

Here are some pics of me riding a water buffalo, and my child, and other stuff

Elder Decker
เอ็ลเดอร์ เดกเกอร์
Thailand Bangkok Mission