April 30, 2018


Hello Everyone!
 This week was great! We had some new people at church and have been averaging 40's in attendance these past two weeks. It's so cool. We have a new investigator who wants to serve in the American army. He's a way interesting guy. I can't really remember what happened this week. It's been a blur. But it's been way fun. Helping people come unto Christ. 

My companion is so funny. I'm speaking English with him because he wants to go to BYU. So I'm teaching him a little before he goes back to Laos. 

I'm still playing piano. Probably will be until I die haha. I taught piano to a kid that doesn't want to learn but the mom does haha.

We go to this park that has a lot of people to find new investigators. Recently it's been raining so no one goes there. 

We went to a members house for dinner. He lives 15 minutes away but it's in a different province. He lives on a factory in a nice house. His family is cool. 

Today I want to share a verse in Moroni 10:32. I just finished the Book of Mormon in Thai. I took a long time reading it because of some reasons but the Book of Moroni is so good. Moroni said he didn't think he'd still be alive and then he wrote out some of the most fire chapters in the Book of Mormon. Anyways it says: 

32 Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.

When reading this verse it made me think of a video on Facebook which I saw recently. It's about a family where the son, Beau Richey, passed away in an accident. After he passed away, the mom noticed an alarm going off on his phone every hour which said "Make Christ the center of your life". When it would go off he would do three things. He would pray, or read a scripture, or do something good for someone else. It helped him become closer to the Savior and live a Christ Centered life. I'll put the link down below and recommend everyone to watch it. It's something that we should all be doing. Christ should be at the center of our lives and thoughts. We should all be coming unto Christ, and being perfected in him. Stories like this remind me that there is still good in the world. It's so awesome! I just want to challenge you all to make Christ the Center of our every day lives and by doing so we will be more happy. Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings true happiness and I can testify that it does because I've seen it bless my life, and the life of others on my mission and before it. Jesus Christ lives and he loves each and every one of us. Thank you to everyone that still reads my emails. I'm striving to find the desire to write it every week haha. I love you all and miss everyone! Have an awesome week!​​​​​​​​​​​​

Link to the video

Pics: Thai book of Mormon, A Songkran Pic (Kao Niaw Street), The big Central in Khon Kaen, a beach, and some insects I ate haha. I don't really like the taste to be honest. 

Elder Decker
เอ็ลเดอร์ เดกเกอร์
Thailand Bangkok Mission

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